The committee of Orchard Woodturners Milstead wish all its members and associates a very happy
New Year 2025 and may all your turnings be round if that is what you expected.
December meeting was a Club day meeting. Paul was busy encouraging members to renew for another year.
The table competition was a bit bare but 4 certificate winners were presented.
Chris, as usual, was on the club lathe. This time making a mininature bird house, which can be seen in the gallery.
Howard was demonstrating his own designed sharpening jig for use on a bench grinder. Some pictures in the gallerg. It deserves a closer look so maybe Howard would be persuaded to do a better demo using the cameras so that everybody could have a better look.
The Christmas tree turning relay took place in the afternoon. The participants were Chris Withall, Matthew Jevons, John Williams, Geoff Christie and Paul Hunt. As I was not there I cannot commend of the quality of the tutrning. The evidenial pictures can be seen in the gallery.
January 11th will be an important meeting as it will be our AGM.
Please come along with any questions, comments and a willingness to be put forward for committee duty.
Unwanted news is that Bill Burden has had a stroke and is in the stroke unit Maidstone Hospital. He also had pneumonia but that has now cleared and some improvement has occured. We are thinking of you Bill.